Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The D.L.

Continuing from my previous post; I was so sad about Sara's flash drive.
I looked for it everywhere. I finally accepted the fact that it's gone but now I really know where the hell it went.
Oh myyyyyy! I just found her flash drive in my pencil case -_-
How could I have missed that! Yay, now I can upload the photobooth pictures.
However, when I opened the file, there was only 3 pictures but we took at least 30.
Aw! Anyways, we look cute so it's all goood :D

Today, the class began with a scene from the movie, Apollo 13.
I watched this movie in middle school. The funny thing about this movie is that today in math class; which I have before core, Butler talked about Neil Armstrong and his landing on the moon in 1969.

We discussed about how the movie relates to last night's packet; Inductive/Deductive Logic aka "The D.L."
The movie relates to deductive logic because there is a specific pattern that the astronaut uses to press the buttons
The D.L. can be defined as going from what one knows(given) that is absolutely true and ending up with a conclusion that must be true

There are three forms/types of "The D.L"

  • Syllogism
  • Modus Ponens
  • Modus Tollens

Syllogism: Aristotle is the creator of this type and there are three parts to it:

  • Major
  • Minor
  • Conclusion

Examples of Each!

  • Major: All humans are mortal
  • Minor: Socrates is a human
  • Conclusion: Socrates is mortal

*Each of the premises has one term in common with the conclusion & this idea can be referred back to the equation we learned in Algebra:




*According to this equation B = Humans, A = Mortal, and C=Socrates

*We are taking a general claim and transforming into a specific claim

Rules of Logic: Modus Ponens

If p, then q

p (premise)


therefore, q


If Iran has Weapons of Mass Destruction, we'll invade Syria

Iran had Weapons of Mass Destruction (premise)


Therefore, we'll invade Syria

Rules of Logic: Modus Tollens

If p, then q

not q


Therefore, not p

*If premise "p" is true then premise q is also true. Premise q is false


If it's raining, it will be cold

If it not cold

Therefore, it is not raining.

*TIP! One way you can identify the difference between M.P and M.T

P = Positive = Ponens



Bandolera! said...

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