Thursday was one of those days that made me appreciate my sister and it was also one of my best days.
My sister somehow got tickets to watch the screening of 17Again starting Zac Efron!
Knowing all my tests were on Thursday, we finally got our mom to allow us to go.
From school we took the Metro to where you ride the Orange Line, was it Busway? Well, whatever it was I loved it. Riding the Orange Line was like discovering a whole new world. & We got off at Noho and went on the subwayy, all the wayy to Hollywood.
Thinking about 17Again the whole time, I could help but to get excited. However, something better happened as my sister and I got off the subway. Thursday was the same day as the Hannah Montana: The Movie Premiere! And wanting to watch this movie ever since the trailer came out, I was so excittedddddd. And we arrived pretty early and was able to get a great view of the red carpet.
We were thinking whether to miss the 17Again screening and staying for the premiere but we decided that watching the movie was something we wanted to do more. Fortunately, we were able to spot all of Hannah Montana's cast. & Now, anytime I see the Hannah Montana show, it's a whole different feeling since I have seen them in person.
& I recommend watching 17Again because it was a cute movie, and funny in some parts. Especially the credits! I mean the storyline and ending is fairly obvious but come on, Zac Efron comes out in it, hehe.
We got out of the screening room and back out to the streets of Hollywood and guess who we spotted! ADAM GREGORY! (See picture on top)
This was an unforgettable day and I wouldn't have changed one single moment of it. Especially who I spent the day with.
& Why are there so many dang gorgeous people in Hollywood? And they have niceass bodies.
Well, it's... SPRING BREAKKKK!
Have fun & Let yourself loose!